The Extended Executive Committee of the Council of Danube Cities and Regions (CoDCR) meets in Ulm. Jürgen Raizner, also director of the Steinbeis Enterprise in Romania, welcomes the mayors of 4 Romanian Danube cities. Representatives from 10 countries of Danube Region meet for 2 days in Ulm. Under the working title “SMART, SUSTAINABLE AND SOCIAL DANUBE CITIES“ members and partners of CoDCR present their ongoing Danube projects. The executive committee envisages to establishing a new institutional structure of the CoDCR until next meeting in October 2017. Dr. Batazs Seneczey, vice-mayor of Budapest, invites the members to that meeting. To him as representative of Istvan Tarlosof, lord mayor of Budapest, is handed over the presidency of CoDCR by Ulm’s lord mayor Gunter Czisch.
Download: Agenda of the Meeting