University Industry Innovation Network, Amsterdam, issued Spanning Boundaries agents Profile Book: a collection of profiles showcasing the motivations, ideas and activities of those working at the interface of academia and industry. Jurgen Raizner’s profile as a successful Spanning Boundaries Champion has been featured in the book.
ifempower publishes results of in-depth research focusing on female entrepreneurs
First intellectual output in “ifempower” is available for download now. The paper ‘Women entrepreneurs in Europe: challenges, strategies and policies’ is a qualitative research conducted at the beginning of the project with the aim to explore and understand the realities and meanings of female entrepreneurship in today’s Europe. Continue reading “ifempower publishes results of in-depth research focusing on female entrepreneurs”
Female Power
A new project of our partner Transfer Center in Germany: Interactive and mentorship based female empowerment in the field of entrepreneurship. The project aims to support young women in becomming successful entrepreneurs. Among the 9 project partners: an Austrian and a Romanian university. Implementation period: 2018-2021.
A project description follows soon.
Creativity and know-how. An example from France.
26.06.2018. Inspired by conference WELLBEING 2018 what took place in Cluj-Napoca in June 2018, Jürgen Raizner took the chance of being in Grasse, France, to visit Didier Gaglewski. The creator of perfumes is an excellent example how knowledge and passion can lead Continue reading “Creativity and know-how. An example from France.”
Panel Discussion in Bratislava
22-24.03.2018, Bratislava: World Bank Group brings 180 high level experts together for discussing technology transfer in Europe and Central Asia. An impressive event took place what contributes to a better understanding on how to do technology transfer in a better way. STC director Jürgen Raizner presented success factors of such demand driven technology transfer.
Investment Management Exhibition 2018
Frankfurt, 20.03.2018: At this year’s Investment Management Exhibition, STC Director Jürgen Raizner presented opportunities for concrete cooperation across borders. The new Silk Road brings potential business partners closer together – a connection that is also used and promoted by the STC .
European Early Innovators Initiative is online
Project website of the European Early Innovators Initiative is online now. The Initiative is funded by Danube Strategic Project Fund and implemented by a consortium under the leadership of our Steinbeis Enterprise in Romania.
Investment Management Exhibition 2018
20./21.03.2018, Frankfurt: Jürgen Raizner is once more speaker at the top event on investment and global business. This year edition of IME bridges the investment gap between EU and China towards a new European-Chinese Investment Partnership for the development of Central Asia, the Caucasus, Ukraine, the Balkans and Turkey. Continue reading “Investment Management Exhibition 2018”
Diversification in Russia
STC is invited to Macro-Regional Innovation Week
Ispra, 24.-26.01.2018: The Joint Research Center (JRC) of European Commission invites to discuss kowledge and technology transfer in macro-regions. The Innovation Week in Italy focuses on S&T knowledge for policy support and collaboration with DG.
JRC intends to promote the exchange of innovation related Continue reading “STC is invited to Macro-Regional Innovation Week”