02.10.2019, Timisoara: German Consul, Ralf Krautkrämer, invited to celebrate Day of Unity. Jürgen Raizner and Roxana Boboruta attended the event at National Theatre. A special program was performed on stage, fully dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Business Forum Geothermal Energy
Experts on geothermal energy projects in Romania met in Timisoara to discuss collaboration. At the end of a full day program, promising initiatives are agreed.
Fostering Scientific Excellence

Jürgen Raizner at Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Presidency Conference (MSCA): Speaker on “Inter-sectoral mobility – MSCA as a tool for launching and fostering collaborations”. MSCA 2019 is organized under the auspices of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of European Union: Bucharest, 4-5 June.
Top Job Offer: Managing Director Romania
For the Romanian subsidiary of a German enterprise we are looking for the future Managing Director.
Get in touch with our Romanian Steinbeis Center and boost your carreer: Light industry. Timisoara. Sales and Marketing oriented.
A short way to BMW
It became public now: BMW plans to manufacture up to 150,000 cars per year in Debrecen, Hungary. Our Steinbeis Transfer Center in Uzhgorod, Ukraine, is located less than 150 km from Debrecen. Not only because of the short distance is Uzhgorod an highly attractive option for suppliers. Continue reading “A short way to BMW”
LEEN at EEII Networking Event in Bucharest
04.07.2018, Bucharest: Steinbeis partner Tudor Todoran presents Learning Energy Efficiency Networks (LEEN) at EEII Networking Event in Bucharest. Tudor Todoran supports the establishment of the first Romanian LEEN in Alba Iulia. The success story of LEEN is based on scientific work. A very good example for Early Innovators.
Steinbeis Bucharest welcomes Steinbeis Galati and Steinbeis Uzhgorod
04.07.2018, Bucharest: The networking event of European Early Innovators Initiative brings Steinbeis teams from Bucharest, Galati (RO) and Uzhgorod (UA) together. The three Steinbeis Transfer Centers agree on strenghtening the cross-border collaboration in order to provide best support to customers.
Nothing new in Romania
In Romanian Parliament: 1998
26.05.1998: A day in Romanian Parliament. Meeting political leaders, senators,… Nice to remember that day exactly 20 years later. Continue reading “In Romanian Parliament: 1998”
European Early Innovators Initiative is online
Project website of the European Early Innovators Initiative is online now. The Initiative is funded by Danube Strategic Project Fund and implemented by a consortium under the leadership of our Steinbeis Enterprise in Romania.