26.11.2019, Milano: Kick-off meeting of A-Ring. Steinbeis Danube Center is involved as observer. Alpine Research and Innovation Capacity Governance – A-Ring – is a new Interreg project in Alpine Space Program.
Female Power
A new project of our partner Transfer Center in Germany: Interactive and mentorship based female empowerment in the field of entrepreneurship. The project aims to support young women in becomming successful entrepreneurs. Among the 9 project partners: an Austrian and a Romanian university. Implementation period: 2018-2021.
A project description follows soon.
Energy Efficiency in Romania
Training consultant engineers in Alba Iulia, 28./29.09.2017: Steinbeis Transfer Management S.R.L. brings Learning Energy Efficiency Networks to Romania. The strategic alliance of LEEN Germany and Steinbeis Romania contributes to EU Continue reading “Energy Efficiency in Romania”
Danube Chambers of Commerce foster Innovation
Danube Chambers of Commerce Association and Steinbeis Transfer Center EAST-WEST Joint Ventures develop concept for fostering innovation in Danube Region. 19 members from 7 countries are members of the Association. 2 more Chambers are partners of DCCA. Short-term objective of the collaboration with Steinbeis is to design effective Continue reading “Danube Chambers of Commerce foster Innovation”
Knowledge Management in Enterprises
Kick-off-Meeting in Budapest. The quantity of data in enterprises is growing significantly, particularly in those enterprises what implement Web 2.0 or Industry 4.0. All these data are elaborated according the challenges to Continue reading “Knowledge Management in Enterprises”
Smart Public Transportation
Steinbeis Danube Center and TeqBuzz, the highly innovative start-up enterprise, collaborate in order to make public transportation in cities more attractive. The new technology Continue reading “Smart Public Transportation”